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Personalised coaching, training and HR consultancy for workplaces and individuals

Management Skills Coaching

For centuries, the worlds athletes have employed personal coaches to develop and enhance their performance. Coaching in sports is familiar to us all, and now business, executive and management skills coaching (using many principles from the sports coaching model) is spreading rapidly across the business world at an extraordinary rate.

For many managers and owners of small businesses, the calls on our time have never been greater. We're expected to deliver results faster, better and more cost-effectively than ever, yet we still want to balance the demands of a fast-moving environment with our desire for a healthy, balanced life both inside and outside of work.

At TMP Coaching we're passionate about using coaching to help managers reach and exceed their potential - we genuinely believe that every manager can achieve something extraordinary with a little help and achievement.

Using a range of different coaching programmes and techniques to develop and improve your management skills, we will work closely with you to achieve results for both yourself and your organisation.

You will benefit from management skills coaching if you want to:

  • Learn how to be a better manager

  • Learn how to improve and develop your management skills

  • Broaden your ideas and learn new ways of working

  • Deal more confidently with difficult situations or people

  • Support, encourage and coach others

  • Improve your problem-solving and decision-making ability

  • Reduce stress and improve your work/life balance

For more information on how our coaching support programme can help you, find out more about our I-CAN-DO Manager Support Programme

Coaching builds your ability
to effectively manage
and work with others


Coaching helps develop
problem-solving skills and
new ways of thinking


Coaching helps reduce stress
and improves confidence
and personal effectiveness